Official Micro Battles Guidelines

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May 20, 2023

🌈 Spawn Points and Layout:​

  • Ensure a vibrant gameplay with at least 4 GREEN, 4 YELLOW, 4 BLUE, and 4 RED spawns.
  • For Micro Battles, keep it small – a radius of 30 blocks is the sweet spot.

🏰 Core Structures:​

  • Every team needs a base – one solid structure to defend.
  • Top floor? Easily breakable blocks for that intense Micro Battles action.

🚧 Map Building Guidelines:​

  1. Consistency is Key:
    • Corners must mirror each other for fair gameplay.
    • Glass should be one block high
  2. Details Matter (But Not Too Much):
    • Micro Battles is fast-paced, so keep structures simple.
    • Over-detailing is a challenge up close, so balance is key.
  3. Strategic Water and Lava Flow:
    • Rivers should snake between team bases.
    • Keep lava/water one block deep for that perfect strategic touch.
  4. Underneath Matters:
    • Below the top layer, use stone or a pickaxe-only breakable block.
  5. Solid Foundations:
    • No hollow structures! Ensure the center is thick with blocks.
  6. Optimize for Performance:
    • Set your map at a low Y level (Y10 is perfect) to avoid lag.
    • Ensure lava/water is just one block deep.
  7. Glass Separation Tactics:
    • Team-separating glass must be regular, hanging one block over lava/water edges.
  8. Map Orientation:
    • Follow the specified orientation for an optimized Micro Battles experience.

🚫 Forbidden Blocks:​

  • No redstone blocks or pistons, please. Exploits are a no-go.

🗺️ Visual Guide:​

  • Ensure your map aligns with the provided orientation:
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